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Top 10 Mobile App Development Trends of 2021

2021 is expected to become the year of innovative mobile apps. According to the facts, advanced technologies will become available for most of the earth’s population. It will consume a large portion of the community. However, the mobile apps development trends of 2021 are controversial and debatable. 2020 was a horrible year for IT companies, and everyone is looking forward to the extraordinary happening. 

Let’s discuss the latest mobile app development trends of 2021 and decide whether we are approaching new opportunities or the economic abyss.



AI and Machine Learning App Development

It is expected that the artificial intelligence industry will rise to $40 billion by the end of this year. The technology is rapidly spreading on the global markets. They are becoming the “new normal” for everyone. Google Assistant and Siri modern versions are more reliable. These apps learn from your behavior and evolve with time.  

The improving technology of AI is also moving into the other sectors of life such as agriculture, banking, healthcare, and education. The developers utilize these techniques to study the audience and improve the products. The more accurate a product works, the more profitable leads you receive on your business. Clean, tidy, and secure technologies will save money, unnecessary effort, and inaccurate results. 


The most recent AI developments are used in security and problem-solving apps. Technologists promote AI technology in finance, customer care services, and marketing. 

Wearable Technology 

Sounds confusing? It is the type of apps that connects mobile devices with wearable gadgets. One of the most common wearable app technologies is “Smartwatch/band apps.” 2021 was the year of fitness, and this cause boosted the usage of wearable technology apps. The technology was first introduced in 2009. It is expected that by the end of 2021, the wearable app market will reach $929 million. 


The most common examples of wearable app integration are smartwatches, fitness bands, smart glasses, and innovative jewelry. Moreover, the most used and profitable wearable apps are developed for the healthcare, fitness, and entertainment markets. 

Subscription-based services


The entertainment and business industry came to your mind by reading the heading. Right? Subscription-based apps have been generating massive revenue over the past few years. Spotify, Netflix, Google Workspace, it is no hidden fact that these significant apps are prospering. Over the recent years, everyone has been switching to these types of business models.


You have seen today’s gaming industry. It is changing, and developers are introducing cloud technology in the coming years. It will be groundbreaking, and gamers will not have to update hardware or buy new consoles. 


Premium subscriptions will allow premium perks to the users. Technologists are on the road to bringing innovative mobile app development niche trends.  Subscription-based technology allows the users to enjoy additional perks, which boosts your brand leads. 

Mobile Commerce App Development


AI will not hold up to benefits in every sector. Mobile apps infused with e-commerce benefits retailers or manufacturers. These apps will allow the customers to purchase and manufacturers to sell the goods. 


Talking about Google Facts, 9 out of 10 people keep mobile phones nearby on average. Also, 66% of people almost buy a mobile commerce app once a week. People tend to feel comfortable buying online rather than going to the shops. These facts are very promising from the marketing perspective.  Why are customers switching to mobile commerce apps? The simple answer would be speed, convenience, rewards, and filters. Keep these things in mind while developing such an app.


The mobile commerce app trend has been one principal in the past year. It is going to flourish and take over the industry.

Chatbots Development for Apps


Mobile apps are getting innovative and creative with each passing day. 2021 has made us question a lot of things. The latest mobile app trends are one of those. The next generation of users tries to make smartphones even smarter to support us. 


2020 has changed the perspective of people in a lot of things. Users are more likely to buy, meet, and study online instead of offline communications. Chatbots were mainly used for scientific purposes. However, the latest AI Trends make it possible to utilize Chatbots in our day-to-day tasks. 


Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and Amazon Echo are leading chatbots these days. Chatbots is a growing industry, and it will benefit businesses in the coming years. 


Augmented Reality 


It has proved to be one of the best app trends in 2021. Thanks to the technologists for introducing augmented reality. It has exceptional potential in making the brands stand out in the crowd. Pandemic has changed our communications. AR is the last hope to add excitement to our daily lives.  We already have the technology to add background images during video calls to hide the mess. Let’s be honest this one has made its way to the top, as people are too lazy to get out of beds. 


Moreover, Facebook will also launch Ray Ban-branded AR smart glasses by the end of 2021. Do you think this is the way forward for AR? Who knows, right? However, we believe that AR will become one of the best and valuable tools for marketers in the coming years. 


GEO Location Mobile App


Geo Location-based apps are a common yet fascinating trend. It will only grow in the coming years. The app promotes a high-end and customized experience for the consumers. What are the perks of this unique trend? It allows the consumers to enjoy the services based on the location. You can market your product in a specific area for high profit.  Geo Location apps support the market trend analysis and gain access to the user behavior at a particular location. Overall, this trend is going to stay for long and evolve.


Internet of Things (IoT) Mobile App


While exploring history, IoT was one of the fastest-growing trends in 2018. It has been growing ever since. It is believed that in 2021 approx 120 new devices are becoming part of IoT every second. It has made the IoT one of the best and profitable app development trends.  IoT is such a technology requiring fewer users’ actions to proceed with specific tasks. It is growing in the household, finance, trading, and other fields.  IoT is accompanied by powerful software technologies like IoT app, sensors, and gadgets. A typical example is the fully automated online shopping apps offering products to users. Internet-connected hardware, cloud databases, and AI algorithms are fundamental parts of IoT. 


IoT is reaching every possible sector of daily life; healthcare, transportation, finance, agriculture, and more. It has ever-growing business opportunities.


  • Wallet Apps 


Observing the changing trends of 2021, mobile wallet apps (e.g., Apply Pay and Google Wallet) are working exceptionally in the field. It is going to grow in the coming years. Wallet apps give users a safe platform to transfer money and pay bills. 


It is widely used by big brands such as Samsung, Apple, and Google. The technology improvements are molding these integrated payment gateways. Honestly, money transfer and bill payments are becoming rapid and smoother. 


Unique apps work in Google Pay, Amazon Pay, Paytm, and more. They have gained popularity, and there is still room for growth. 


  • Corporate Mobile App


Enterprise Mobile app is one of the best mobile app trends in 2021. An app created by the specific organization for their employees. It is a feasible way to manage and perform necessary functions. Talking statistically, businesses profit more when their employees access corporate mobile apps. This trend will become more prevalent in 2020 when the pandemic hits the world. 


It has the power to boost the internal links of corporate, employees productivity, and client satisfaction. By the end of 2021, we will see massive traffic of businesses in the run to create corporate mobile apps.


Stand out in the competitive mobile app development market.


2021 has taught us a lot, and it is a year of awareness. Software Specialists are going to keep updating the technology trends. On the other hand, business leaders will promote such trends to gain profit. This sector is going to expand beyond the borders. However, you have to develop secure, purposeful, and problem-solving apps!


Until next time…

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the mobile app development trends for 2022?


Many more phone makers will use blockchain technology by 2022, as Samsung and HTC have already developed devices that use the technology. Mobile wallets that handle cryptocurrencies and DApps may be found on these phones (decentralized apps).


What are the new trends in mobile application development?


As a result, digital security has emerged as one of the most important mobile app development topics for 2022. Net Solutions’ State of Digital Transformation 2020 report emphasizes the four significant digital technology developments enterprises should embrace: Cloud, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Security (CADS).


What is the biggest app in 2021?


Most Downloaded Apps in 2021 are:


#1 Instagram: The photo-sharing app is now clearly one of the most popular in the world.


#2 Duolingo: Duolingo is the program to use if you wish to learn different worldwide languages

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