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How to hire a good UX designer in 2022

How to hire a good UX designer in 2022

User experience is significant since it aims to meet the needs of the user. Its goal is to provide good experiences that encourage users to stick with a product or brand. Furthermore, defining customer journeys on your product that are most conducive to commercial success is possible with a meaningful user experience. 

Improving customer experience has been shown to increase KPIs by more than 80%. Conversion rates on websites can rise by up to 200 percent with a strong user interface.

Only 1% of people believe that eCommerce websites match their expectations. 90% of users will abandon a website due to poor design.

Why User experience is important in the design process?

User experience is significant since it aims to meet the needs of the user. Its goal is to provide good experiences that encourage users to stick with a product or brand.

Furthermore, a rich user experience enables you to define client journeys on your product that are most beneficial to your company’s growth. 

Usability has a lower financial impact than the other three parts of the user experience, which focus on the accessibility and motivation aspects of product usage, but usability is more about repeated usage.

If you have a business then you must be thinking about hiring a good UX designer then this blog is for you! 

Ways to hire a good UX designer in 2022:

We will discuss some tricks and tips to hire a good UX designer for your business. Keep reading this blog.


The first step is to sit down, select the project or product on which you want your new UX designer to work, and create a list of all UX needs and deliverables.

This stage is critical in determining the type of UX designer you want to recruit and providing you with a clear image of how to find the ideal candidate. 


During the research and discovery phase of your project, make a list of the required UX deliverables. User experience research, brand positioning, product discovery, user behavior analysis, and other deliverables may be on your list.

Production & Deliverables:

Move on to defining actual deliverables once you’ve finished gathering early discovery needs for your project.

To test your deliverables, consider prototypes and a timeframe. Defining user journeys, generating wireframes, usability testing, interaction design, and other tasks may be among them.

Qualities to Look in a UX designer:

Below are some qualities to look for in a UX designer:

Good at explaining:

Ask a simple inquiry, such as “What does your firm do?” and observe how he responds. A great UX designer, in my opinion, knows how to communicate information in the most effective way possible, regardless of whether the medium is a website, an app, or spoken language.

As a result, he should organize his response using a hierarchy: first the macro, then the medium level, and last the details. If he responds by bouncing from one detail to the next, with no clear large picture in front of him, he will most likely have the same attitude when it comes to UX: while he may be a great UI designer, he is most likely not a UX guy.

Sketch files:

If you get a chance to look at one of the candidates’ Sketch files, pay attention to the following points:

  • Are your levels and folders well-organized?
  • Elements naming: is the naming consistent, or does each level/folder have its own naming convention, or worse, no name at all? 
  • Symbols and text styles: did he establish a standard and apply it to the entire file, or did he generate each text, icon, and element as a copy?
  • Is he following a spacing convention (such as 8pt multiples) or just looking at the layout to see whether it looks good?


The issue is, as a UX designer, you are essentially working on the product every day. If the candidate doesn’t go into depth and detail regarding your company’s products, you’ll know they’re not a good fit. And it’s not just about the product; in order to produce the best solutions, a competent UX designer needs to grasp the entire context in which the organization operates.

That means his queries should cover your target clients, business strategy, key KPIs, and a variety of other topics.

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