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How to grow Pinterest company profile via paid promotion in 2022

How to grow Pinterest company profile via paid promotion in 2022

If you have a business, then marketing your company profile will be your priority. You must be thinking about big platforms to market and advertise your business profile. Pinterest is considered one of the best marketing platforms for visual search engines and productivity tools.

If you become a pro at Pinterest marketing, you’ll be guaranteed many followers and reach on your business account. 

For this purpose, you will need to know the Pinterest strategy to grow your business profile. We will discuss the tricks to grow your Pinterest company profile in 2022. So, let’s get started. 

Why Pinterest for company profile growth?

Pinterest is not about just looking at interactive visuals. But, you can use it for business purposes. If you were not using it before. It would help if you tried considering it now o market your business on this visual platform. Pinterest provides a unique opportunity for businesses of all sizes to market themselves – as a visual search engine, Pinterest is ideal for exposing your brand to new potential customers.

This is because Pinners use the site to find inspiration. They want to try new things, learn new ideas, uncover delicious recipes and be motivated to make a purchase more often than not. 

According to Pinterest Business, social media marketers choose Pinterest because:

  • Expand your online presence and reach a new audience.
  • Increase the number of visitors to the company’s website or online store.
  • Conversions such as newsletter sign-ups, ticket sales, and purchases should be encouraged.

Ticks to grow your company business on Pinterest in 2022:

Here we will discuss the Top 10 Pinterest Marketing Tips for 2022 

Make Fresh Pins:

We have always known that creating pins is a good marketing strategy used on Pinterest. But, what does it mean for the year 2022? It means something good. Let’s discuss here how. Increase the intensity with which you switch out your pins. Use new photos, titles, and designs to keep things as fresh as possible.

You may also use hyper-focused keywords to pin different images from the blog post to give a new depth of content to your feed. For example, if you post with affiliate links, you should pin the various products in the center and link back to the blog article. 

Make Video Pins:

Make sure you add more video pins to the 2022 Pinterest marketing strategy. Right now, Pinterest favors them, so jump on board and make sure you incorporate video into your plan. What if you don’t have any video content? There are a plethora of inventive ideas for making some! Here are a few of my personal favorites: 

  • It would help if you considered using stickers. Platforms like CANVA provide you to make animated stickers.
  • It would help if you made a GIF with images from your posts and then posted the GIF in a Pinterest graphic with text. You can create this with the help of CANVA, Illustrator, and Photoshop. 
  • You can utilize Stock video. Some platforms like stock images and Canva provide free stock video footage.  

Create a Pinterest marketing strategy:

Set SMART goal:

It would help if you considered setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound). It will drive a good audience to your business account and increase your sales. 


Know about your audience demographics who are most likely to use this platform

Potential Audience:

Know about your potential audience for your business profile. 


Know about your competitors on this social media platform.

Create captive Pins:

Pinterest is a visual platform, so it means creating excellent and interactive content for your business that engages the audience of Pinterest. 

How can you make an Interactive Pin?

Image Quality: 

The first thing to take care of is the quality of the image you will use for the Pin. Always remember to avoid Pixelation, and put high-end ideas that Pinterest suggests.

Vertical images:

According to the recent research results, more than 85% of the Pinterest audience useless Pinterest on their mobile screen. It makes a 2:3 ratio. So, put your images according to that criteria. 

Put Good Descriptions:

This is another way of making interactive content and engaging your audience. Try to put good captions and descriptions on the images.


Don’t forget to use a headline that shows the context of your image or video. 

Put Links:

It would help if you put relevant links with your content and, most importantly, make sure they work. Don’t put broken links; it creates a negative image of your profile. 

Pinterest Stories:

Pinterest stories do not give access to all the accounts. But, still, it is a good marketing strategy if you opt for it. Instagram stories and Pinterest stories are pretty similar. They consist of a short series of slides, including photographs, videos, and text.

You can’t link to your website from them, but they’re a terrific method to grow your audience and brand exposure. Pinterest is now favoring them, so your impressions will skyrocket if you can use them! 

Make Different formats of Pins:

It would help if you learned to utilize this platform. Pina Video and influence your Pinterest followers to shop at your e-commerce store, or try adding a carousel. Pinners always find a new brand on Pinterest. They come to the platform for inspiration. It would help if you thought of posting how-to-pins or making motivational and inspirational boards to give your audience good content.  

Audit your account:

The next vital step to take is to audit your account. Because Pinterest has evolved so much in the last few years, it’s critical to ensure that your strategies are up to date for 2022.

Always remember not to pin the same images. It would help if you were placed to edit your boards and board games. Do check if your description fits the profile and is keyword heavy. With this, a significant audience reach was discovered. 

Post Seasonal Content:

Pinterest is focusing more on content that is relevant right now as it builds its ever-changing algorithm. This is why one of the most effective strategies to gain momentum on Pinterest is to create seasonal material.

If it’s a blog post or pinning your products at the right time. Making a content strategy is the most critical trend for Pinterest.  

Plan your boards effectively:

Your brand boards can help new Pinners take an interest in specific topics. For instance, a company like Oreo includes Pins with motivational and inspiring images for upcoming events. 

SEO of Pins:

The most important thing to keep in mind is to optimize your pics for SEO. Pinterest is known to be a search engine. So, make sure your business Pins are easy to search. Remember to put keywords in your Pins and make it Search friendly. 

Try Different Pinterest Ads:

This is another strategy to market your brand through different Pinterest Ads. Advertisers can target advertising based on keywords, interests, location, age, and other metrics and categories on Pinterest. 

Advertisers can target specific groups of Pinterest users using comprehensive audience targeting, such as:

  • Those who have looked at your website.
  • Individuals that have interacted with your Pins.
  • Individuals who have previously interacted with comparable material on the platform.
  • A custom list, such as the subscribers to your newsletter.

Utilize the Pinterest trends tool:

Pinterest has recently introduced the Pinterest Trends Tool, and it is an excellent place to check all the top keywords for different search criteria. You can search multiple terms and check how many people are searching for these exact terms, and you can also check the timings of the search. You should consider using this to update your keyword list. 


Pinterest is the number one interactive visual platform where you can market your business and get a large audience. Follow the tricks mentioned above to get the most out of Pinterest. 


Are Pinterest Ads good?

Pinterest adverts appear as Promoted Pins on the site, making it easier for consumers to find and buy inspirational products and services. Pinterest provides a highly motivated audience base for marketers focusing on customer acquisition, with 50% of users purchasing things after viewing a Promoted Pin.

How promoted pins work on Pinterest?

A promoted pin is a Pinterest ad that costs money. You may contact clients looking for or have expressed interest in what you have to offer by targeting specific regions, demographics, and devices. The cost-per-click (CPC) model is used for promoted pins. A campaign has a daily budget and a set timeframe.

What a business should advertise on Pinterest?

Pinterest advertising may be a powerful tool for raising brand awareness, driving traffic, and increasing purchases. With Pinterest Taste Graph-powered interest-targeting, you’ll see more of this than ever before – particularly from new consumers. 

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